Friday, June 20, 2014

Arcade title Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon.

I decided this week to go with a back logged game since it was on sale not that long ago. Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon is by far a great game in itself. It stylizes everything you can remember about the 80's through catch phrases and overall look. What really helps with the 80's art is the cut scene sequences. all done in the style of watching cut scenes from an old cartridge game. All together the game was amazing especially not needing to own Far Cry 3 just to play this Arcade title. The pricing on it now even after the sale being over is still worth looking into and having some fun. The campaign is very short and when you start a mission but are near something you need, you have to save it for later. The total time to beat the game would be less than 4 hours. Add some time on to that however if you are a completionist. the only other true complaint is that during cut scenes around the final missions they tend to get really long and drawn out. other than that this game is highly recommended.


This game is an easy 400/400 arcade title. Only two achievements involving headshots and killing dragons should be your difficulties. Other than that everything else will be completed with the game. Ill try to keep updating on  weekly basis and also try to play more up to date games. Thanks for reading.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Max The Curse of Brotherhood and Fifa 14

Its been long enough for me to have some material on the two games i mentioned before and even though its been amazing outside I managed to find the time to play both of these games. I'll seperate them and let you know what I personally thought about the game based on its looks graphically/ artistically and how it played. along with that the achievements will be rated on whether or not it is easy or difficult to get all the achievements in game. first up on this list will be....

Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
This game to me was amazing. I dont take the time to play side scrollers anymore and this one takes it. graphically and artistically with the open cinematic I almost wanted to believe this was a very Disney inspired game. As it had that same look as movies like UP. For a puzzle game there actually ended up being a few moments where I almost didn't even realize what I was suppose to do. However once you figure it out you almost feel bad you didn't catch on to it sooner. The story for the game which I wont spoil is quickly set up and the system of using a marker for a weapon added humor to the game every time I realized what I was doing. I highly reccomend the game right now as it will be free for the remainder of June 2014. However if you miss it this game is worth its normal price.

Achievements wise this game is a very easy 1000/1000 gamerscore. only about 3 achievements are not story based or collection based and those are easy to get after you finish the game. Each level shows you how many of the collectibles you got so it makes it easier to tell what you need to redo. Along with this, the other three involve completing levels without dying. Though it can be frustrating they wont take more than a few minutes to complete. Overall This game especially while free is an amazing buy and should atleast be put into your library to play for a rainy day.

Fifa 14
I have to say I showed up late to the Fifa party. I tend to play other sports games and with no NCAA this year and Fifa being on sale. I decided to give it a shot. Overall the game is fun. It is like every other sports game however where I have seen shots from 13 and not much has changed. Ultimate Team is a blast and of course if you get the hang of the game like all EA games the career mode can make you feel like a monster among men. the one thing however that I feel hurts the game is online mode. This may be due to showing up very late in the games cycle but online play with 2 other friends has always ended badly. We have been looking up ways to increase our Profile levels so we can make our players better. The one way this is done is maxing out our daily XP by playing a shootout game in the phone app. when you are starting out on this mode however, you are being overpowered by people who are still playing in the lowest division with high 80s and low 90s characters. Which makes a big difference when as said by a friend " they can outrun us and hold in the right trigger (sprint/stamina) all day and my guy can't keep up with this."  With this being the only online mode supporting 3 people it takes the fun out of playing when the only thing we can truly pray for is a draw or a very lucky win. with that said the game is still fun and will take up time while I wait for that lack of games over the summer time.

Achievements wise however it is like every other sports game recently. It asks for a few easy ones and a lot of time consuming ones. Overall it will take a long time to even try to complete this game. if your not a completionist your best bet of course is to just play the game modes you want and move on. If not I would almost say just wait until Fifa 15 and give yourself a better shot. The games lowered price for that short while really helped however and I believe I have found my new franchise to sadly replace NCAA.

Sunday, June 8, 2014


The thing I want to start with is to say I am by no means a professional gamer. I tend to be more casual and always looking for something fun and interesting to play. To be fair I recently started getting into Achievements when it comes to video games. The idea that getting 100% on achievements is sometimes less time consuming than truly 100 percenting a game like i did in my childhood. This blog will attempt to give my insight on the games I play and if I believe they are worth your  time to play based on playability and the achievements. I will make these distinctions very well known but for now just wanted to get this first starter blog up before i started writing about other games. I tend to play shooters first followed by sandbox and then sports games. If possible i will take suggestions on what to write about after my next post which will be about both FIFA 14 and Max The Curse of Brotherhood. I will always try to have a current title to talk about but I wont pass up deals i find with games I typically miss out on. If you read this thank you and hope you read when I post again.