Sunday, July 6, 2014

Valiant Hearts opinion

I wanted to play this game the moment I watched the trailer at E3. The thought of a plat former that covers World War 1 sounded like a great idea to me and I wanted to see where this game went. The game covers the lives of 4 people and how they intertwined during the war. The game overall is much more like a piece of art. It is beautiful in the style it is made and it sends the message that  lots of people died needlessly during this war. Not to give spoilers, but the one proof of that is how most of the people fighting were neighbors and then due to a lot of treaties they got thrown into a War. Just as how I handle most of my games, I did a run through for the story and a second run through to get all of the collectibles. The collectibles are what get you in taking the longest amount of time in this game. There are over 100 collectibles but they are evenly placed out between the levels and thankfully the game is nice enough to show you what collectibles you have from each level. The one thing I truly loved about this game is the information it has. The game covers parts of World War 1 that happen before the United States entered the conflict. With all that being said the game itself is amazing but really only lives up through the 2 play throughs you need for all the collectibles. It is an incredibly informative game as each level comes with facts about the war and each collectible you pick up is something of information about the war. I believe the game is worth its current price and continue to recommend it to people who are looking for a filler game in between the bigger company games.

Overall the game is an easy 1000/1000 and should only take the 2 play throughs to gather all or any collectibles you may have missed during the first play through. Only a few achievements are missable based away from the games storyline but are easy to get. overall the game may take possibly 8 hours to a few more to finish up for the full 100%  overall this game was amazing and made for a fun 100% on the Xbox one

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